The loss of a child is among the most devastating tragedies anyone can ever experience. If you’re coping with such a loss, it’s important to understand that help is available. The following overview will cover some options to consider. However, it’s not meant to be a substitute for professional advice. If you’re struggling with deep grief, consider speaking with a physician, counselor or other expert for support.

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This guide will address legal options, as well as other avenues to help cope with such an unimaginable loss. If your child passed because of someone else’s negligent actions or carelessness, you may have grounds to seek justice, and significantly, pursue litigation with the potential to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

The Value of Therapy After Losing a Child

One of the most common ways to cope with a child’s passing is by seeking therapy. Virtually no parent expects to have to navigate this painful emotional terrain. Thus, few are equipped to do so without guidance.

A therapist can’t give a child back to you. What they can do is help you identify healthy and positive ways to move forward after tragedy.

How Support Groups Can Help

Speaking with a therapist can certainly help you learn to adopt productive ways of approaching life with a sense of optimism after losing a child. That said, some also find it’s important to participate in discussions with others who can share their pain.

A therapist who works with clients who’ve lost children would likely be able to point you in the direction of local support groups for individuals in your position. You might also find information about such groups through local libraries, hospitals, and even religious centers.

In addition, you could participate in online support groups. These may consist of message boards, Zoom calls, and other formats. By speaking with others who know what you’re going through, you’ll feel less alone. You may also gain hope by speaking with those who’ve managed to overcome the profound grief you may currently be experiencing.

If your child passed because of someone else’s negligent actions or carelessness, you may have grounds to seek justice, and significantly, pursue litigation with the potential to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

Considering Spiritual or Religious Options After Losing a Child

Religion and spirituality aren’t for everyone. However, if you have religious beliefs, you may find that they offer a degree of comfort and peace during what may otherwise be a uniquely painful time.

Your religious community can offer support, particularly if members of your local church or other such spiritual center offer religion-centric support groups for members who’ve lost children. A religious leader may also provide insights and guidance to help you contextualize this tragedy within your greater spiritual beliefs.

Legal Options After the Loss of a Child

There are various ways a careless party could cause a child’s unexpected death. Consider the following examples:

  • A drunk driver causes a wreck resulting in the passing of a child
  • A doctor fails to diagnose a child’s condition, preventing the child from receiving life-saving medical care
  • The designers or manufacturers of a children’s product produce a hazardous item which should never have been sold, or which failed to incorporate a feasible safety device, leading to a foreseeable tragedy
  • Those responsible for monitoring a child’s safety and promoting their welfare (such as camp or school staff) fail to fulfill their duties.

When a child passes because of another party’s actions or carelessness, their parents may be justified in filing a wrongful death claim or lawsuit. While no amount of money can truly justly compensate a family for such a loss, our civil justice system provides a path for seeking justice, and potentially preventing future tragedies.

You may not be sure whether you have grounds to take such action. Keep in mind that an initial consultation with a personal injury or wrongful death attorney is free. Speaking with an attorney gives you a no-cost, no-pressure opportunity to learn more about whether you have a valid case. Further, should it be determined that there is cause to proceed with litigation, your wrongful death attorney will take your case on a “contingency fee” basis – that is, you will not need to pay legal fees unless there is a successful outcome.

At Swartz & Swartz, P.C., a compassionate Boston wrongful death lawyer can provide the representation you deserve now. Learn more about how we may help by contacting us online or calling us at (617) 742-1900 to schedule your free case review.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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If you or someone you know, needs help from a lawyer, contact the law offices of Swartz & Swartz, use our live chat, or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get in touch to assess your case and how we can help.

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About the Author: James Swartz
Mr. Swartz, our Managing and Principal Attorney at Swartz & Swartz P.C., is a nationally recognized and respected trial attorney as well as consumer advocate. His practice focuses on cases involving negligence, torts, products liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and other claims involving catastrophic injuries.

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