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Daycare Injury Lawyer

We have decades of achieving justice for victims & families.

Too often we hear about the abuse and neglect many children are subjected to while in a nursery or daycare setting. Children are frequently neglected or physically abused by staff members who are inadequately trained or screened.

Many day care facilities do not properly educate or screen their staff resulting in the hiring of careless and sometimes dangerous employees. Many times there is inadequate staff to supervise and protect the children. As a consequence children are often the victim of physical and emotional abuse, sexual assaults and a variety of other horrible acts.

Since these innocent victims cannot protect themselves it is critical to report any instance of suspected child abuse or neglect. There are many state agencies that can assist you in these matters.

What our clients say…

“Thank you for the work you do, fighting for people who have suffered so much.
No one should have to go through the pain of losing a child—especially in such a senseless and preventable manner.

I have great respect for you and the manner in which you worked this case. I will refer clients to you in the future. Parents who have suffered a loss deserve to be represented by the best.”

If you believe your children may be victims of this reprehensible conduct and would like to speak with an attorney, please contact us using this web page or by calling (617) 742-1900; clients from outside of the Boston, Massachusetts area may call toll-free at 1-800-545-3732. At Swartz & Swartz, P.C., our nursery schools and daycare abuse and neglect lawyers are here to answer your questions and discuss how to protect your legal rights.


To set up a free consultation, please call us at (617) 742-1900, or submit the form below.

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Free Consultation

To set up a free consultation, please call us at (617) 742-1900, or submit the form below.

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