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Product Liability Lawyer

We have decades of achieving justice for victims & families.

Swartz & Swartz, P.C. – New England Injury Attorneys Dedicated to Getting You Compensation for Injuries Caused by Unsafe Products. Every year, consumers are victimized by dangerously defective products, sustaining catastrophic and even fatal injuries as a result.


Designers, manufacturers and distributors of such products are too eager to place the blame on individual purchasers and users, often claiming “accidents will happen,” and additional safety measures would not have made a difference. The personal injury attorneys at Swartz & Swartz, P.C. know what scores of victims of hazardous products know: the true cause of such product-related incidents is negligence by manufacturers, who all too often view human tragedy as a “cost of doing business”.

At any point during the design and manufacturing process, significant failures may contribute to a product’s hazards, including (1) missteps during the early design stages; (2) inadequate testing to ensure safe performance; and (3) marketing efforts that include inadequate instructions and warnings, or even fail to include any relevant cautions. Even one act of negligence during the process from product’s conception to its sale can cause catastrophic injuries and wrongful death once the product reaches the homes, schools and workplaces of unsuspecting consumers.

At Swartz & Swartz, P.C., our injury attorneys pursue justice on behalf of victims of hazardous products and auto defects throughout the United States. Our firm has a national reputation for successfully representing consumers and their families who have been victimized by hazardous products, resulting in severe and catastrophic injuries.

Product Liability Attorney has handled such diverse injury cases as:

  • Auto accidents with injuries caused by defective car transmissions, defective fiberglass car roofs, defective bucket seats, and defectively designed engine compartments
  • Defective children’s products, such as playground equipment, cribs and bassinets, and mini hammocks.
  • Defective toys, bikes and bike parts, amusement park rides, and problems with swimming pool equipment. Defective safety equipment, such as smoke detectors, airbags, and car safety harnesses
  • Defective machinery and defective design of machinery when safety features should have been added to protect consumers
  • Defective medical equipment
  • Faulty drugs

Many tragic deaths and serious injuries could be avoided if corporations would be more attentive to preventive engineering and consumer education. Too often manufacturers put their money into self-serving public relations campaigns, rather than up-front protection of the consumers who use their products.

What our Product Liability Lawyer colleagues say…

“Congratulations! Yep, congratulations in many directions.
In my view, you’ve earned the role, too, in becoming the “king” in continuing making manufacturers, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and consumers aware that toy companies’ safety standards are disgracefully inadequate in preventing and resolving dangerous toy-related injuries and fatalities to children.

Obviously, you’ve become the nation’s champion watchdog of the playthings-safety by warning in so many directions the false sense of security confronting parents and youngsters alike.

Credit is due you for the arguments about dangerous toys that greatly reduce the element of manufacturers putting objects in the hands and paths of innocent kids. “

If you or a family member have suffered significant personal injuries as the result of a defective product, contact the law office of Swartz & Swartz, P.C. Call (617) 742-1900 in the Boston area, or for clients in greater Massachusetts, New England, or other states across the U.S., call toll-free at 1-800-545-3732.

Our product liability attorneys are here to answer your questions and protect your legal rights.

Dangerous Drugs

The primary focus of too many pharmaceutical companies is to seek profits at the expense of safety. Drug manufacturers introduce many new drugs into the marketplace each year, and defective medications have the potential to injure or kill victims who are rely on proper pre-market testing to ensure their safety.

Dangerous Toys

Toys are often colorful and innocent-looking, and should provide hours of safe enjoyment and learning opportunities. Unfortunately, defective toys, sold for infants and children of all ages, can cause death and debilitating injury when designers and manufacturers are not careful to eliminate hazards before toys reach the marketplace.

Defective Medical Devices

The medical device industry has offered promise to many who thought tomorrow would never come, and has given hope to individuals and families where there was none before. This offer of hope, however, has too often fallen short when defective devices have reached the medical community and its patients, causing catastrophic injury and death.


To set up a free consultation, please call us at (617) 742-1900, or submit the form below.

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Free Consultation

To set up a free consultation, please call us at (617) 742-1900, or submit the form below.

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