There are approximately 10,000 pediatric burn injuries in the United States each year. In the United States, about 2.4 million burn injuries are reported annually. Of that 2.4 million, 20,000 have major burns involving at least 25% of their total body surface and 8,000 to 12,000 of patients with burns will die. Approximately one million will sustain substantial or permanent disabilities resulting from their burn injuries. Burns are one of the most expensive, catastrophic injuries to treat. For example, a burn to 30% of total body area can cost as much as $200,000.
We have represented many people throughout the country who have suffered from severe burn injuries, achieving record setting results for our clients. The attorneys at Swartz & Swartz, P.C. have the experience to fully investigate instances causing burn injuries, including obtaining fire marshal and other official reports; hiring and working with medical and explosion experts; and pursuing aggressive discovery during litigation in preparation for trial.