Each state has a “statute of limitations,” which is the period of time allotted for pursuing a remedy after a wrongful act. If the “statute of limitations” passes, the person loses his or her right to file a claim seeking damages, unless an exception applies. For most personal injury cases in Massachusetts, the statute of limitations is three years, that is, the injured person must file a suit against the responsible person or company before expiration of the three year period. Failure to do so may result in the claims being forever barred. There may also be shorter time periods involved to pursue justice, including notice requirements that can be as short as thirty days, or as long as two years. Moreover, sometimes the “discovery rule” may apply, which means that the injured person has a reasonable length of time to discover an injury, or what may have caused the injury, after the actions that caused the injury occurred. Regardless of your situation, it is critically important that you contact a civil litigation attorney immediately to confirm the time frame in which a suit must be filed, and to take steps to protect your rights, including preservation of evidence. If you or a loved one has been injured, please contact Swartz & Swartz, P.C. for a free consultation, including advice regarding the statutory period applicable to your specific claims, since different considerations apply to each individual case.