A tire blowout can easily cause a motorist to lose control of their vehicle. When a driver can’t control their car, the odds of an accident happening increase substantially. Have you been injured in an accident resulting from a blown-out tire in Massachusetts? You may have various questions in the aftermath of said accident if so.
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For example, perhaps you’re wondering how you might go about seeking financial compensation for your medical bills and other such losses associated with your accident. You might therefore wonder whether a tire blowout accident qualifies as an at-fault accident in the Commonwealth. Keep reading to learn more.
Important Information About Fault In Massachusetts Car Accidents
It’s worth noting that Massachuseets is currently a no-fault car accident state. Most states use the at-fault (also known as “tort”) system. In an at-fault state, when seeking compensation for losses resulting from a car accident, a victim would typically file a claim with the insurance of the at-fault party.
No-fault states like Massachusetts work differently. When you’re involved in a car accident in Massachusetts, your own insurance company is responsible for compensating you, even if someone else technically caused the accident.
That doesn’t mean it’s not important to determine fault after being injured in a car accident in Massachusetts. If the severity of a victim’s losses and injuries meet a certain threshold, they can seek additional compensation by suing the at-fault party or filing a claim against their insurance. Even in no-fault states, there are instances when it’s possible to hold a negligent motorist accountable.
(Note: If you’re unfamiliar with the applicable laws, it can be difficult to know whether your losses meet the threshold necessary to justify filing a claim with the insurance of the at-fault party in Massachusetts. A lawyer could evaluate your case and explain your legal options in greater detail.)
Tire blowouts may also sometimes occur if drivers are engaging in various unsafe driving practices, such as speeding.
Can a Tire Blowout Be an At-Fault Accident in Massachusetts?
Tire blowouts can occur for a number of potential reasons. The specific cause of a blowout can play a role in determining whether someone may be considered at-fault when a blowout accident occurs.
For example, it’s possible that a tire blowout occurred because those responsible for manufacturing or designing a tire overlooked a defect or design flaw. If so, they may be considered negligent.
Tire blowouts may also sometimes occur if drivers are engaging in various unsafe driving practices, such as speeding. To determine if a driver’s choices behind the wheel caused a blowout, it may be necessary to conduct a thorough investigation into the crash. This is a task an attorney could assist a victim with.
Additionally, certain parties may be responsible for maintaining vehicles and identifying warning signs suggesting blowouts could be imminent. For instance, maybe you were harmed in an accident on Massachusetts’ roads when a large commercial truck had a tire blowout. If so, the trucking company might be considered at-fault if it can be shown that they failed to properly maintain their fleet.
Avoiding Tire Blowout Accidents in Massachusetts
There are several ways you could potentially reduce your chances of being harmed in a tire blowout accident. They include:
- Maintain your tire pressure
- Regularly schedule vehicle inspections (that involve tire inspections)
- Practice general safe driving habits
- Replace tires that are worn-down and/or old
- Don’t overload your vehicle with excessive weight, as doing so can cause a tire blowout
- Rotate your tires regularly
It’s also wise to always have a spare tire on hand. If a blowout does occur, you don’t want to be left stranded in what might be an unsafe location.
That said, even if you take all the above steps, you can’t control the choices of other motorists. It’s possible you may thus be harmed in a tire blowout accident through no fault of your own one day.
If this happens, strongly consider meeting with an attorney to review your case. If your injuries are severe enough to justify filing a claim against an at-fault party’s insurance, a lawyer could assist you in gathering evidence proving fault.
Speaking with a lawyer is wise even if you’ll only be seeking compensation through your own insurance. An attorney could still provide the representation you deserve, potentially improving your odds of securing the full amount of compensation for which you’re eligible.
At Swartz & Swartz, P.C., a Boston car accident attorney is prepared to evaluate your case for free and explain your potential next steps. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online or calling us at (617) 742-1900 to request an appointment.
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If you or someone you know, needs help from a lawyer, contact the law offices of Swartz & Swartz, use our live chat, or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get in touch to assess your case and how we can help.
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