The consequences you might face in the days, weeks, months, and even years after a car accident can be wide-ranging. For instance, if you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle collision, you might develop brain fog.
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Keep reading to learn more. The following overview explains what brain fog is, what might cause it, how a car accident can result in brain fog, and how you might seek financial compensation for brain fog after a collision.
Brain Fog: What You Need to Know
Brain fog is a general term some use to refer to a combination of symptoms, such as:
- Trouble focusing
- Memory issues
- Lack of mental energy or clarity
Typically, a person may be said to experience brain fog if they develop one or more of Symptoms of brain fog despite not experiencing them consistently in the past.
If you struggle with brain fog, see a medical professional right away. You may have a condition requiring Brain fog treatment.
Brain Fog Causes
Brain fog is not one specific condition. Thus, it has many potential causes. Examples include (but aren’t necessarily limited to) the following:
- Poor sleep
- Depression, stress, or other such mental health issues
- Medication side effects
- Dietary changes
- Dehydration
Various medical conditions can also potentially result in brain fog. Again, this is why anyone who experiences the symptoms of brain fog should meet with a doctor sooner rather than later to determine the cause.
Whiplash, one of the most common types of injuries one might sustain in a car accident, can also cause brain fog.
How a Car Accident May Cause Brain Fog
Brain fog may result from a blow to the head or other such traumatic brain injury. It is therefore entirely possible to develop brain fog in the aftermath of a car accident. This may be particularly likely if you banged your head during a collision.
Whiplash, one of the most common types of injuries one might sustain in a car accident, can also cause brain fog. When your head and neck quickly jerk forward and back, even if your head doesn’t strike any objects, the force of the jerking motion alone might be enough to cause some form of brain injury.
It’s also important to understand that brain fog after car accident might not necessarily be the result of physical harm. Remember, stress can cause brain fog. If you were involved in a traumatic collision, it would be entirely natural to experience stress in the aftermath.
Brain fog may be the result of this “side effect” of your accident. Additionally, if you’re stressed or anxious after a collision, you might find it difficult to get to sleep, stay asleep, or both. Lack of sleep may cause brain fog or exacerbate it.
You might also develop brain fog as an indirect consequence of an automobile accident. For instance, perhaps a doctor prescribes medication to help treat any pain, anxiety, or other such symptoms you might be struggling with after a collision. Brain fog could be a side effect of these medications.
(DO NOT stop taking a medication a doctor has prescribed them simply because you believe it’s causing brain fog. Although your doctor might be able to recommend a different medication that doesn’t cause this side effect, you should never stop taking a medication without discussing the topic with your doctor first.)
Pursuing Compensation for Brain Fog After Car Accident
Have you been involved in a car accident in Massachusetts? If so, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and related losses by filing an insurance claim.
Depending on the circumstances, the compensation for which you may be eligible could help you manage the consequences of brain fog. At the very least, if you’ve received medical treatment for brain fog, your compensation should help you pay for said treatment.
Brain fog could also interfere with your ability to work. If brain fog prevents you from doing your job, you might also receive compensation for lost income.
Brain fog can have a general negative impact on your overall quality of life as well. Although this loss may not have a strict dollar value, it might nevertheless be possible to secure compensation for it, particularly if your accident resulted from the negligence of another party.
One of the best ways to demonstrate to an insurance company that you deserve compensation for brain fog after a car accident is to seek representation from an attorney. At Swartz & Swartz, PC, a car accident attorney Boston could help you gather the evidence necessary to present a strong case. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online or calling us at (617) 742-1900 to schedule a consultation.
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If you or someone you know, needs help from a lawyer, contact the law offices of Swartz & Swartz, use our live chat, or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get in touch to assess your case and how we can help.
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