In recent years, the rise of e-scooters and rideshare services has transformed urban transportation, offering convenient and eco-friendly alternatives in Boston. However, with the increased popularity of these modes of transportation comes a surge in personal injury claims related to accidents involving e-scooters and rideshare vehicles. Navigating the legal landscape surrounding such claims can be complex and challenging. 

This blog explores the legal challenges involved in e-scooter and rideshare personal injury claims, highlighting key considerations and providing guidance for victims seeking compensation.

I. Understanding the Legal Framework

A. The Role of Municipal Regulations

When it comes to e-scooters and rideshare services, municipal regulations play a significant role in determining liability and establishing safety standards. E-scooter regulations may include permitted usage areas, speed limits, and restricted zones. Rideshare regulations often focus on driver qualifications and background checks, as well as insurance requirements.

B. Determining Liability

In personal injury claims, establishing liability is crucial for obtaining compensation. Negligence is a common legal principle applied in these cases. To prove negligence, the following elements must be established: duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages. The injured party must demonstrate that the other party owed a duty of care, breached that duty, and that the breach directly caused their injuries. Additionally, they must provide evidence of the damages suffered.

C. Comparative Negligence

It’s important to note that in some cases, the injured party may also be partially responsible for the accident. Comparative negligence refers to the shared responsibility between the parties involved and the impact it has on the compensation amount. For example, if the injured party was found to be 20% responsible for the accident, their compensation may be reduced by 20%.

II. Evidentiary Challenges in E-Scooter and Rideshare Claims

A. Gathering Evidence

Collecting evidence is crucial in building a strong personal injury claim. For e-scooter and rideshare accidents, the following steps can be taken:

Scene Preservation

Preserving the accident scene is vital. Document the surroundings, take photographs, and note any contributing factors, such as poor road conditions or inadequate signage. Additionally, secure witness statements from individuals who saw the accident occur.

Video Footage

In many urban areas, surveillance cameras are present. These cameras may have captured the accident on video. Additionally, dashcams or helmet cameras used by riders can provide valuable footage. Efforts should be made to obtain and preserve any video evidence.

B. Obtaining Ride Data

Both rideshare and e-scooter rental apps can provide valuable ride data that can support a personal injury claim.

Rideshare App Records

Rideshare app records may include trip details, driver information, GPS data, and timestamps. This information can help establish the driver’s location and route at the time of the accident.

E-Scooter Rental App Records

E-scooter rental apps often keep records of user information, trip history, GPS data, and timestamps. This data can be instrumental in establishing the user’s location and the specific e-scooter involved in the accident.

III. Challenges with Insurance Coverage

A. Rideshare Insurance

Rideshare companies typically provide insurance coverage for their drivers. However, the coverage can vary depending on the driver’s activity at the time of the accident.

B. Periods of Coverage

Rideshare insurance has three periods

Period 1: The driver is offline.

Period 2: The driver is online but does not have a passenger.

Period 3: The driver is online and has a passenger on board.

The coverage provided may vary depending on the period in which the accident occurred.

Primary vs. Excess Coverage

Rideshare insurance can be primary or excess, depending on the driver’s personal insurance policy. Understanding the applicable insurance policies, coverage limits, and potential gaps is essential in pursuing compensation.

  1. E-Scooter Insurance

E-scooter rental companies typically provide third-party liability coverage. However, the coverage limits and policy exclusions can vary. Additionally, the injured party’s personal insurance policies, such as homeowner’s insurance or personal injury protection (PIP), may also provide coverage.

IV. Statute of Limitations and Filing Deadlines

A. Time Limitations

The statute of limitations refers to the legal timeframe within which a personal injury claim must be filed. These deadlines vary by jurisdiction and can be impacted by certain specific factors or exceptions. It is essential to understand and adhere to the applicable statute of limitations.

B. Importance of Timely Action

Taking timely action is crucial in personal injury claims. By acting promptly, you can preserve evidence and avoid the risk of claim denials due to missed deadlines.

V. Seek Legal Representation

A. Importance of Legal Counsel

Given the complexity of e-scooter and rideshare personal injury claims, seeking legal representation is crucial. An experienced attorney specializing in personal injury law can provide expertise, navigate negotiations with insurance companies, and offer litigation support if needed.

B. Choosing the Right Attorney

When selecting an attorney for personal injury in Boston, it is important to consider their experience in handling e-scooter and rideshare claims. Review their track record of success, and consider client testimonials and reviews to ensure they are a good fit for your case.


What types of personal injury claims can arise from e-scooter and rideshare accidents?

A: Personal injury claims can arise from various incidents involving e-scooters and rideshares, such as accidents involving pedestrians, collisions with other vehicles, defective equipment, negligence of other drivers, or poorly maintained infrastructure.

What should I do if I’m injured in an e-scooter or rideshare accident?

A: Seek immediate medical attention for any injuries. Document the accident scene, gather witness statements, and report the incident to the relevant authorities. It’s also crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to understand your rights and legal options.

Can I still file a claim if I was partially at fault for the accident?

A: The rules governing fault and liability differ depending on the jurisdiction. In certain instances, obtaining compensation may still be possible even if you share some responsibility. To gain a clear understanding of how comparative negligence laws pertain to your particular circumstances, it is advisable to seek legal counsel and consult with an attorney.

Swartz & Swartz Guide to Pursuing Compensation for E-Scooter and Rideshare Injuries

Navigating the legal challenges surrounding e-scooter and rideshare personal injury claims requires a comprehensive understanding of the complex legal landscape. 

By combining our in-depth knowledge of local regulations and our proven track record in handling personal injury cases, Swartz & Swartz is well-equipped to tackle the legal challenges associated with e-scooter and rideshare accidents. Our commitment to advocating for our client’s rights and our dedication to achieving fair and just outcomes set us apart.

Need Help?

If you or someone you know, needs help from a lawyer, contact the law offices of Swartz & Swartz, use our live chat, or send us a message using the form below and we’ll get in touch to assess your case and how we can help.

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About the Author: James Swartz
Mr. Swartz, our Managing and Principal Attorney at Swartz & Swartz P.C., is a nationally recognized and respected trial attorney as well as consumer advocate. His practice focuses on cases involving negligence, torts, products liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and other claims involving catastrophic injuries.

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