Luke Bresette was fatally injured last weekend, a display sign weighing an estimated 300-400 pounds peeled away from the wall at a newly-renovated airport, falling on Luke, his mother Heather Bresette, and brothers Sam, 8, and Tyler, 5. His three brothers, sister, and parents were returning to Overland Park, Kansas after spending a week in Destin for Spring Break.
Husband and father Ryan Bresette weren’t injured, nor was sister Anna and another brother, Joe. Heather Bresette is listed in critical condition at UAB Hospital with two broken ankles and a fractured pelvis. She underwent surgery this evening, Alex Bresette said.
It took six men to lift the sign off the family, and later about a dozen men held it up while rescue workers worked on the family. That portion of the airport was cordoned off this afternoon, and an investigation is now underway into what went terribly wrong.
At the Boston law office of Swartz & Swartz, P.C., our injury attorneys are at the forefront of protecting victim’s rights by bringing personal injury cases to court for inadequate safety measures in premises liability cases. Swartz & Swartz, P.C. is dedicated to helping clients who are the victims of negligence pursue legal action so they can be fairly compensated. We are committed to ensuring that victims are compensated for their injuries and losses.
If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries due to negligent maintenance of premises and would like to speak with a premises liability litigation attorney, contact the law office of Swartz and Swartz, P.C. We are here to answer your questions and protect your legal rights. Call our Boston, Massachusetts, office at (617) 742-1900, or if you live outside the Boston area, call toll-free at 1-800-545-3732
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