The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a national recall of the breast cancer drug, Avastin. After a careful review, FDA officials concluded that this medication, touted as a treatment for breast cancer patients, does not effectively slow the spread of cancer or prolong the overall survival rate of patients. Instead, this potentially dangerous drug has been shown to contribute to a number of serious side effects.


Conditions reportedly caused by Avastin include:
•             gastrointestinal (GI) perforation, or a hole in the stomach or intestines
•             Changes in vision or nervous system disturbances
•             Kidney dysfunction
•             Reduced white blood cell count
•             Severe bleeding
•             Severe high blood pressure
•             slow or incomplete wound healing
•             Stroke, heart attack, blood clots, chest pain
Until this announcement, patients and their doctors were unaware of Avastin’s potentially lethal side effects. If you or a loved one has been the victim of the side effects associated with Avastin or other potentially dangerous prescription drugs and would like to speak with an attorney, please contact us. You can call us at (617) 742-1900, or if you are outside the Boston area, call toll-free at 1-800-545-3732. We are here to answer your questions and discuss how to protect your legal rights.
 By James A. Swartz of Swartz & Swartz, P.C.Permalink

About the Author: James Swartz
Mr. Swartz, our Managing and Principal Attorney at Swartz & Swartz P.C., is a nationally recognized and respected trial attorney as well as consumer advocate. His practice focuses on cases involving negligence, torts, products liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and other claims involving catastrophic injuries.

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