A 4-year-old boy died the other day in a Westborough apartment complex in a murky swimming pool. The child had been missing for several hours.
The pool, surrounded by a chain-link fence that is about six feet tall, had not yet opened for the summer, according to the residents. The pool had been uncovered about one week prior to the incident so crews could start treating and cleaning processes. Police had been out earlier looking for the boy in the woods, empty apartments, and bushes nearby.
If you or a family member has suffered significant personal injuries, or if a loved one has suffered a wrongful death as the result of a dangerous product, contact the law office of Swartz & Swartz, P.C. Call (617) 742-1900 in the Boston area, or for clients in greater Massachusetts, New England, or other states across the U.S., call toll-free at 1-800-545-3732. Our product liability attorneys are here to answer your questions and protect your legal rights.
By James A. Swartz of Swartz & Swartz, P.C. – Permalink
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